Sunday, July 15, 2007

Back in North Carolina

Sean and I are currently working at Camps Mondamin and Green Cove. We are keeping ourselves busy for the next five weeks by leading paddling trips for the camps. We spend most of our time on local rivers such as the Green, Nantahala, French Broad, Pigeon, and Ocoee. We have an awesome group of teens who have been returning to these camps for years and who are ready for some serious whitewater. There are also tons of campers who are getting on rivers for their first time and their enthusiasm is inspiring.

My two sisters are working with me at Green Cove this summer which has made things even more exciting and fun. We are looking forward to our next few weeks before we fly back to Boise for our NOLS Professional Instructors course.

Note from Sean: We went for a 4.5 hour motorcycle ride today, cruising along part of Blue Ridge Parkway. I didn’t even crash once! Not bad for my first time on the road (I just got my motorcycle learner’s permit a month ago). We’ve discovered a cool instructional program for dual sport motorcyclists which takes an expedition to Copper Canyon, Mexico, which may become part of our fundraising effort this coming fall. We’ll keep you posted.