Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy in Happy Camp, CA

The Klamath River has been good to the Alzar School students thus far. We have been working hard on tuning up skills both on and off the water. Today we ran the "Urban Run" on Indian Creek as a group along with Ranger Dave, who has been working as the River Ranger for the Klamath National Forest here for 30 years. Our section is named the "Urban" section because you see about three houses as you float. The creak is beautiful, with crystal clear cold water and dramatic rock faces. The rapids are fun, particularly the section aptly named the "Narrows" where the river constricts to approximately eight feet wide. Everyone did fantastically... many of our students paddled their hardshell kayaks and our beginners used inflatables.

As we floated we pulled trash from the riverbanks and loaded it into Ranger Dave's raft. We had a pretty impressive load in the back of the raft by the time we got to the takeout. Among our finds: a rusted culvert, other random metal over 6' long, a pot, a chair, several bags full of small bits of trash, and a toy car. Along to help were two interns from the Student Conservation Association who were really impressed with our students and their attitude about helping and ability on the water.

It was a great day- fun was had by all. Thanks to Dave, Lisa, and Stephanie for making it happen!

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