Thursday, January 14, 2010

Un momento por favor...

After spending two weeks under the Chilean sun, I've received my first ever chaco tan. I'm estatic, and I'm still trying to figure out what that is. What is it about the strappy skin damage on my feet that puts me in a state of such jubilation? Perhaps my toasted brown skin, much more appealing than the doughy white from winter in the states, yierlds a similar satisfaction to that of roasting a perfectly golden marshmallow (without the gratification o f eating your delicious final product, of course). Perhaps its because of the distinction I'll receive among my peers when I return to the hippie school I attend. Or maybe it reflects the thrill of freedom and new experiences, both exciting and awkward, this trip has offered. Living in the midst of a foreign wilderness without the conveniences of modern society is such a relief to me. There's no way technology can disrupt the close bonds that are forming in this small group, or pull you away from the awe and respect the mountains we camp below command. No pressure to look good or be on your best behavior. No disturbances while I try to learn the language and traditions of a rich culture. Living a vagabond lifestyle, searching for the next rapid to paddle. To me, it is liberating. Or perhaps, its not a tan at all. My first real shower I take after three weeks might wash all the traces away. I hope not.

1 comment:

Molly Mannschreck said...

Olivia - is that you? XX, Mom