Thursday, January 6, 2011

On the Road, by Challis (Boise, ID)

So I've been reading this book, On the Road, by Jack Keroac. I picked it up at the bookstore in the Portland airport on flight down here. And so far, I like it, even if it isn't about anything in particular. I guess I shouldn't say that, I mean it is about lots of things: traveling, love, getting lost... but I guess mainly it's about life.

So anyway, I found this real great cherry tree at our camp, and in the mid-day sun I crawled up amongst the sahde of its branches, book in hand.

For about an hour, I just laid there and read, surrounded by the ripe red fruit of its branches. At a certain point, it came to where my eyes still traced the sentences, and my hand still turned the pages, but not a word of it registered in my brain. All the sudden I looked back and realized that I'd read ten pages and hadn't a clue what happened, so I closed the book and laid it neatly in my lap, and allowed my mind to trail off and consider thoughts about travel, and love, and getting lost, and kind've about life, but mostly about nothing in particular.

That's what Alzar is. A pause from the day-to-day monotony of life at home, and an opportunity to reflect on one's life and see thw world in a new light.

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